Risedale Sports and Community College 2017 Photos


To view and buy your photos from the Risedale Sports & Community College 2017 Year 7 Photo Shoot, visit the Risedale gallery in our online shop and find the album that matches your “pupil ID number”. Click this album and then type your password in to the password box. (Your “pupil ID number” & password can be found, in red, on the proof sheet you have been given by the school). Previous Risedale Sports & Community College Galleries can be reached by following the link at the bottom of this page.

Additionally, the Year 11 group photo can be found in the “Year 11” gallery.

Any problems, please contact:-     info@rightclickstudios.com     or     07980 878282

Click here to visit the Risedale 2017 galleries

2017 proof sheet - website

Click here to visit previous Risedale Sports & Community College Galleries.

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